Air Caloric Stimulatorによる温度性眼振反応の 定量的分析における問題点
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The air caloric test was performed on 15 normal subjects, and its normal limits were determined. Then, this test was applied to 660 patients who were suffered from vertigo, dizziness and/or equilibrium disorder.Following conclusions were obtained through the quantitative analysis of the results.1. Our data obtained from the normal subjects suggest the air caloric test is superior to the water test, because the former yields more reliable nystagmus response, and causes little discomfort, and also it can be done very easily.2. In order to detect pathological findings of caloric responses, it was necessary to take three parameters of the duration, the number of beats and the maximum eye-speed of the slownystagmus-phase.3. The abnormal responses were observed or the patients with chronic otitis media, and these were caused by the changes of the middle ear structures. However, they didnt affect the quantitative analysis. So basesd on our diagnostic criteria, it was possible to detect CP on the patients with chronic otitis media who complained of dizziness or vertigo.4. Among the patients showing the caloric DP, some had the spontaneous nystagmus and the others did not. The former showed the findings indicating the peripheral lesion.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
- 第34回 日本平衡神経科学会
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- Air Caloric Stimulatorによる温度性眼振反応の 定量的分析における問題点
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