頭頸部悪性腫瘍の発癌要因(第1報) : 喫煙,飲酒の影響に関する臨床的検討
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In Kumamoto University Hospital, from March, 1977 to June, 1978, one hundred and forty patients with head and neck malignant tumors were treated and studied about history of tobacco smoking and drinking.Brinkman index for smoking and Schochu index, which was obtained multiplying alcohol consumption per day by the number of years, for drinking were applied.The results showed that tobacco smoking was the highest risk factor in laryngeal cancer. Especially in supraglottic cancer the risk is multiplied by drinking.Both drinking and smoking heavily influenced the development of cancers of mesopharynx and piriform sinus. In cancers of the tongue and oral floor, drinking influenced strongly in their development, especially in male patients.Heavy smoking and heavy drinking were believed to be the high risk factors in the development of head and neck cancers.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
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- 下咽頭がんのわが国における記述疫学 : 1978,1979年実態調査より
- 頭頸部悪性腫瘍の発癌要因(第1報) : 喫煙,飲酒の影響に関する臨床的検討
- 頭頸部悪性腫瘍の発癌要因(第3報) : 喫煙,飲酒の影響に関する臨床的検討
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