- 論文の詳細を見る
Relation between duration of hoarseness and tumor size or stage was studied on 249 cases of glottic carcinoma who were treated in National Cancer Center Hospital.From this study, growth of carcinoma of vocal cord can be divided into three types. 1. The cases in which carcinoma is limited to Tla for long time and then extends to deeper tissue without any apparent extension on the surface of mucous membrane and then the vocal cord is fixed (T3). In these type of T3 cases, carcinoma is limited to the involved side of the larynx for long time. Average duration of hoarseness in these cases is approximately 11 months. 2. The cases in which carcinoma extends to the opposite cord or the supraglottic or the subglottic region. In this type of extension, tumor usually extends superficially and average duration of hoarseness is about 6 months. 3. This type of carcinoma can be found in T3 cases in which carcinoma extends beyond midline of the larynx. Carcinoma extends to both superficial and deep tissue. Mean duration of hoarseness in these cases is 4 months.For early diagnosis of the vocal cord carcinoma, it is important to give the information about the disease to the people. Analysis of our cases revealed that 70% of the cases with carcinoma of vocal cord were Tla when the patients visit doctor within three months after the onset of hoarseness. However, early detection of the vocal cord carcinoma depends on the nature of tumor itself, and there are many patients with Tla carcinoma, who dont visit doctor for long time after they noticed hoarseness.On the other hand, the patients are often encountered in whom the advanced carcinoma is detected in spite of earlier consultation.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
真島 一彦
小野 勇
小野 勇
小野 勇
国立がんセンター外科 頭頸科 東大形成外科
斎藤 裕夫
海老 原敏
竹田 千里
小野 勇
国立がんセ 病院
斎藤 裕夫
海老 原敏
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