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For the purpose of the improvement of circulatory metabolism in inner ears, the microwave irradiation was induced to vertebral artery to increase blood flow volume of this artery.Microwave irradiated from 5 cros above parietal area of guinea pigs and rabbits toward the inner ears. The followings were examined in inner ears; changes of temperature, blood flow volume and diameter of blood vessels, and potential existence of tissue injuries. At 20 to 30 watts output, the temperature in rabbits rose gradually soon after irradiation, and after 15 minutes it reached about 1 to 1.7-C higher in living bodies, and elevated 4 to 5.5-C in dead animals proportionally to irradiating duration. After ceasing irradiation the temperature decreased gradually and returned to the original degree within 10 to 15 minutes in living bodies, but it took more than 40 minutes in dead bodies.From the difference between living and dead bodies, it was considered that blood flow in living body worked as to keep homeostasis by the way of activating circulatory metabolism.Light and electron microscopic examinations were performed with inner ears of guinea pigs after 10 days irradiation at 30 watts/15 min./day without any abnormal change.Seven to ten percent increase of the diameter of arteriolas in bony cochlear was observed by irradiation in guinea pigs. From the measurement of erythrocyte flow speed, I could also admit the increase of blood flow speed due to the improvement of disturbances such as sludging. Consequently it was suspected that blood flow volume increased more than 14 to 21 through the irradiation.Output antenna was set a few cros away from human auricle toward the inner ear including a part of vertebra. From the glass model experiments it would be considered that blood flow volume of arterioles in irradiated inner ear was increased as well as that of vertebral artery at the same side.This supposition was confirmed by the ultrasonic blood rheography. After 3 minutes irradiation I could recognize the increase of blood flow in 22 cases out of 41 cases, and the mean increase rate was 21% which was equivalent to the experimental data in guinea pigs.Therefore microwave irradiation was considered to improve blood flow of arteries such as vertebral, basilar, anterior inferior cerebellar, labyrinthine and those related arteriolas and veins.In the treatment of sudden deafness, combined microwave and drug therapy, showed more effect than drug therapy alone. The above mentioned experimental data support the usefulness of microwave treatment.Many merits are counted with microwave treatment and this therapy may be tried effectively for various diseases
- 第34回 日本平衡神経科学会
- 第33回 日本平衡神経科学会秋季学会
- 内耳と椎骨動脈血流に対する極超短波の影響
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- 144.椎骨動脈血流動態とめまい平衡障害に関する臨床的ななびに実験的研究
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