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Case 1.A 5-year-old boy was given a heavy blow in his nasal root by one of his friends.In the evening of that day, swelling of the nasal root and bleeding from the left nasal cavity were developed, accompanied by headache, nausea and vomit.About one month after this accident, he was admitted to our clinic.At that time, coagula which filled his left nasal cavity, right deviation of septum and diffuse swelling of the nasal root were observed.A specimen was removed from the tumor surgically through his left fossa canina, and histologically it was revealed Ewings sarcoma.60Co teletherapy(150 rads daily and the total dose of 6000 rads) combined simultaneously with cobalt-protophyrin(10mg daily and the total dose of 210 mg) and bleomycin(5mg weekly and the total dose of 75mg) was administered.Subsequent to these therapies, FT-270(400mg daily) was continuously administered orally for about 10 months. These anti-neoplastic therapies resulted in marked diminution of swelling in the nasal root and significant improvement of general condition.One and a half years after the onset of his illness, he is doing well without evidence of recurrence and metastasis. In this case, glycogen particles in the cytoplasm of the tumor cell, which is one of the characteristics of Ewings sarcoma, were assessed by PAS reaction histologically as well as on the electron microscopic pictures. Case 2.A 20-year-old female complained of slight swelling of the right inner canthus and was treated under the diagnosis of conjunctivitis uneffectively.This swelling was considered to be caused by paranasal sinusitis, a radical antrostomy was performed.Following the surgery, however, exophthalmus was developed and she was admitted to our clinic 3 months after the onset of her illness.At that time, tumorous tissue associated with fibrosis filled the right maxillary sinus and reoperation was performed.The histological examination of the surgical specimens could not disclose definite diagnosis.Metastases were observed in the subclavicular, abdominal and sternal region.Her condition deteriorated so rapidly that no radiation therapy and anti-neoplastic chemotherapy could be administered.Postmortal examination revealed Ewings sarcoma originated from the right maxilla with distant metastases.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
粟田口 省吾
鈴木 史人
平岡 真理子
平岡 真理子
粟田口 省吾
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