- 論文の詳細を見る
Clinical and pathological studies of papilloma growing in nasal and paranasal cavities were made in 6 cases whicn have been treated surgically and radiologically for a period of about 15 years in the Oto-Rhino-Larngological Clinic, Hirosaki University School of Medicine.Age distribution of these 6 cases ranged from 43 to 64 years and all were male. The chief complaint of these was mostly nasal obustruction caused by papillary tumor persisting for 1 to 20 years prior to their first consultations. However, cheek swelling appeared initially in 1 case, of which papilloma was associated with malignant change.Papilloma developed in the left nasal and paranasal cavities in 5 cases and in the right in 1 case, and their x-ray films taken by nose-chin projection revealed predominate opacity limited in the nasal cavity and the ethmoidal region on the 1 side only.In all 6 cases, no metastasis was found, despite the long duration of their clinical courses. Not only polypous proliferation of the mucous membrane but also destruction of bony wall surrounding paranasal cavities were most characteristic findings of this growth.One case out of 5 treated with partial resection of maxilla (Denkers Method), followed by irradiation therapies died 2 months after the operation from local exacervation of transitional cell carcinoma which was probably considered to be malignant change of papilloma, but the remaining 4 cases had no recurrence during a period of 6 months to 10 years follow-up.The specimens of mucous membrane removed were characterized grossly, by edematous thickening and folding. Microscopically, they were characterized by vivid inward growth of superficial epithelial layer, which consisted of cylindrical, transitional or occasionally squamous epithelium, with underlying basement membrane.In this series, clinically, there was no malignant case, excepting the above-mentioned case with malignant transformation of papilloma, but histologically, polymorphism and irregularity of cells and hyperchromasia of nuclei suggested latent active signs of malignant change were detected in one other case with no clinical malignant evidences.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
沼倉 昌雄
今 一郎
粟田口 省吾
粟田口 省吾
吉田 順之助
吉田 順之助
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