- 論文の詳細を見る
The Chichibu Terrain in the Shima Peninsula is, like elsewhere in Southwest Japan, divided into the northern, middle and southern belts by longitudinal faults. The southern belt consists of the Imaura Group and the Chichibu Complex (Tsuiji Group). The Imaura Group is distributed only along the northern margin of the belt, while the Tsuiji Group occupies the major part. Four lithofacies are tentatively distinguished in the Tsuiji Group, <I>i. e.</I>, massive sandstone facies, sandstone and mudstone facies, olistostrome facies and chert-clastics facies. The first three may correspond to the elastic interval of the chert-clastics facies. In chert-clastics facies, the lithology changes upwards from chert at the base, through siliceous mudstone, mudstone to coarse grained clastics such as sandstone, sandstone alternating with mudstone, olistostrome. Radiolarian fossils obtained from several horizons of this sequence show that rocks are younger upwards from the Triassic of chert to the late Jurassic of mudstone. The age of the uppermost coarse grained clastics has not been clarified due to lack of fossils therein. However, occasionally observed conformable facies change from mudstone to sandstone justifies the view that coarse grained clastics are the youngest of the sequence. The chert-clastics sequence is reasonably regarded as representing the original stratigraphic unit. A single unit may be a product of successive sedimentation on the Pacific plate gradually approaching to the cotninent. Gradual upward change of the lithology in a unit represents the landward shift of the plate and the increasing availability of receiving the terrigenous material on the plate.<BR>The Imaura Group covers the Tsuiji Group either conformably or unconformably. It consists mainly of mudstone containing sporadically limestones rich in the late Jurassic fossils and has been hitherto correlated to the Upper Jurassic based on these fossils. We obtained radiolarian fossils indicating the early Cretaceous in age from mudstone. This leads to the conclusion that the fossil-bearing limestones are resedimented blocks emplaced into the radiolarian-bearing mudstone in the early Cretaceous period.
- 社団法人 東京地学協会の論文
坂 幸恭
坂 幸恭
手塚 茂雄
Saka Yukiyasu
Department Of Earth Sciences Faculty Of Education And Integrated Arts And Sciences Waseda University
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