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Many hypothesis have been suggested in Japan, related to the plate-tectonic theory ; (1) “the high pressure metamorphic belts of the Sangun and the Sambagawa were produced within the subduction zones of oceanic plates”, (2) “the so-called ophiolites in the Sangun and the Mikabu zone are of the ancient oceanic crusts”, (3) “the Shimanto terrain was ancient trench area”, (4) “Hokkaido, which has its backbone range with a high pressure metamorphic belt on the continental side and a high temperature metamorphic belt on the oceanic side at present, has been rotated in a 180-degree”, and others. These hypothesis are not well fitted to the geology of Japan. In Honshu, there are no great fault which suggests the ancient boundary between the oceanic and continental plates, and no strata which have the characters of an ancient oceanic crust itself or of those made in the subduction zone of an oceanic plate.<BR>However, geological developments of Japan, in the Sambosan, the Shimanto and later stages, can well be explained by the movemnents of ancient oceanic plates, their positions and the changes of the positions, although many earth movements were produced by up-and-down movements probably related to granite intrusions.
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