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The atomic structure of a Ga<SUB>2</SUB>Se<SUB>3</SUB> epilayer grown on a (100) GaAs epilayer by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) is studied by transmission electron microscopy and diffraction. A highly developed pseudo-two-dimensional ordering of structural vacancies is found in the interfacial region of the Ga<SUB>2</SUB>Se<SUB>3</SUB> epilayer. The interfacial ordered structure is described as follows. Vacancies form c (2×2) ordered arrangements in the first (100) Ga layer of Ga<SUB>2</SUB>Se<SUB>3</SUB>. Ga atoms almost fully occupy the second Ga layer. The c (2×2) arrangements of vacancies are locally formed in the third Ga layer with a shift of a/2 [011] with respect to the location of the first Ga layer, where a is the unit cell size of disordered Ga<SUB>2</SUB>Se<SUB>3</SUB>. The structure model derived in this study suggests that the chemical bond mismatch at the Ga<SUB>2</SUB>Se<SUB>3</SUB>/GaAs interface plays an essential role in the formation of the interfacial ordering.
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