Giant Pseudopolyposis 3例の臨床病理学的特徴について
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3 cases of giant pseudopolyposis was reported. Case 1 : A 49 year-old man complained of mild abdominal pain and rectal bleeding. Barium enema and colonoscopy revealed that innumerable long polypoid projections showing various shape of mucosal bridges and bifurcating tags were diffusely distributed in the left colon, and a left hemicolectomy was performed. All these polypoid lesions were histologically composed of normal mucosal structures without any atypical gland.<BR>Case 2 : A 58 year-old woman was diagnosed as giant pseudopolyposis. Segmental sigmoidectomy was performed due to occasional rectal bleeding and abdominal pain. 19 polypoid lesions consisted of various mucosal bridges and tags were sporadically scattered in the reseted sigmoid colon. Histologically, all these lesions showed mucosal structure of the normal colon, but one of them contained a dysplatic focus.<BR>Case 3 : A 39 year-old man was found a giant discoid tumor in the upper rectum by barium and colonoscopic examination and underwent miles operation. This tumor was a conglomanate polypoid lesion of numerous mucosal bridges and tags, measuring 5.5X4 cm in a diameter, which histologically showed giant pseudopolyp, adenomatous and cancerous tissue, respectively.
- 日本大腸肛門病学会の論文
日本大腸肛門病学会 | 論文
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