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This paper presents a case of Ileocecal actinomycosis. A 55-year-old woman presented with a complaint of left lower abdominal pain. Laparotomy under the preoperative diagnosis of ileocecal tumor revealed a mass existing from the lateral Ileocecal region to the anetrior abdominal wall. It formed a mass adhering to the transverse colon and great omentum. Right hemicolectomy was performed. The tumor measured 70×60 mm. The diagnosis of actinomycosis was established by histopathological evaluation of sulfar granule. Massive dose of penicillin was prescribed postoperatively. Thirty-seven cases of this disease reported in Japan were reviewed. None of them were correctly diagnosed preoperatively. The diagnosis was obtained in all the cases by postoperative evaluation of sulfar granule. Image diagnoses disclosed no characteristic features and showed the lesion only as a submucosal tumor-like change. Surgical resection of the lesion and long-term administration of antibiotics such as penicillin seemed necessary for the managment. This is recently a rare disease but it seems necessary to always bear in mind the possibility of encountering this disease in patients with ileocecal diseases.
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