Studies on ano-rectal function after sphincter preservation operation for rectal cancer. Statistical analysis of manometric studies by quantitification theory type III.:Statistical Analysis of Manometric Studies by Quantitification Theory Type III
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To clarify the defecation function of the patient undergone the sphincter preservation operation for the rectal cancer, the manometric studies were performed 63 times in 40 cases (12 control cases, 7 preoperative cases and 21 postopeative cases.)<BR>Each value was treated statisticaly by quantitification theory type III for the analysis of the relationship between these items and clinical evaluations.<BR>Items which have a relationship to clinical evaluations at over 0.5 of the correlation coefficient (p<0.005) were the operation methods, distance between the anal verge and anastomosis, postoperative term, Max. vol., Min. vol., VP ratio and anorectal reflex area.<BR>When the each item and cathegory were given the values, it was found that the items which have the large absolute values and over 0.2 of range were closely related to the clinical evaluations.<BR>Each quantified samples value were caluculated from the given quantities of items and cathegories. The sample value over 0.5 means the excellent clinical evaluation, while the value under 0.5 indicated fair or poor clinical evaluations.<BR>As conclusion, the clinical evaluation could be accomplished numerically by the quantitification theory type III.
- 日本大腸肛門病学会の論文
日本大腸肛門病学会 | 論文
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