- 論文の詳細を見る
The clinical pictures of 15 cases of intestinal-Behçet of large bowel reported in Japan were as follows: In age distribution the 3rd decade was predominant. The frequency of perforation at the time of the operation was 33.3 per cent and recurrence after operation was in 20 per cent. About half of them were operated within 5 years after the first appearance of the Behcet syndrome and almost all of them were operated within 10 years. As to the type of the Behçet syndrome, incomplete type not accompanied with occular symptomes was the most. Emergency laparatomy was made frequently because of acute abdomen without definite diagnosis of intestinal-Behçet. The lesions were located frequently on the cecum, therefore ileo-cecal resection or right hemicolectomy were performed in them. Regarding to the characteristics of the number and size of the lesion, single and large ulcer was much more frequent compared with the small intestinal lesion.<BR>A personal case of intestinal-Behçet of large bowel was reported.
- 日本大腸肛門病学会の論文
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