A Malignant Carcinoid Tumor of the Ileocecal Region (With The Special Reference of Clinical Histochemical Studies)
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Histochemical studies for a carcinoid tumor which had removed surgically from a 61 year-old female were reported. The tumor located at the site of ileocecal valve and had a hen-egg size. The patient had revealed no carcinoid symptoms.<BR>Histologically, the tumor was a typical carcinoid and infiltrated into the muscular layer, indicating malignant carcinoid tumor, PAS and alcian blue stain were almost negative but were feebly positive in the scantly existing glandular structure. According MASSON-FONTANA'S method, argentaffin reaction showed many fine and brown granules in the protoplasm, these granules distributed in the basal portion of the cells in the glandular structure. Both reactions of chromaffin and diazosafranin were positive. RNA and acid phosphatase were demonstrated intensely in the tumor cells, especially located in the apical portion of the cells in the glandular structure, on the other hand, alkaline phosphatase was found only in the luminal portion. Activity of phosphamidase was intense but succinic dehydrogenase was weak.<BR>It is to note that the tumor cell exhibited the two different natures, the one was the positive reaction of argentaffin, chromaffin and diazosafranin, which was never seen in normal intestinal epithelium. Another was the histochemical specificity of RNA, PAS, alcian blue,
- 日本大腸肛門病学会の論文
岩佐 善二
村井 紳浩
広瀬 俊太
安富 正幸
弥生 恵司
山田 良太郎
片山 純
辻野 元祥
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- A Malignant Carcinoid Tumor of the Ileocecal Region (With The Special Reference of Clinical Histochemical Studies)