I. A Family of Familial Colonic Polyposis with Cancerization
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I wish to present 1 family 2 sisters with familial colonic polyposis.<BR>Case 1 is a 25-year-old woman, complaining of diarrhea with massive blood coagula. She was found to have diffuse colonic polyposis with rectal cancer and was performed total colectomy. Her father had died of rectal cancer. Her eldest sister, that is, case 2 was also found by laparatomy to have diffuse colonic polyposis with sigmoid cancer. Her youngest sister was found by sigmoidscopy to have rectal polyposis (3 polyps were found in the rectum). So, I can say to have a family of familial colonic polyposis.<BR>In order to determine whether there was a presence of precancerous lesions, a patho-histological study of all polyps was carried out on the numerous polyps of the colon and rectum of case 1. These results were as follows:<BR>1) The total number of polyps was 920 and they were pathohistologically all sessil adenomatous polyps except for one which was pedunculated.<BR>2) These polyps were classified into five groups according to their degree of malignancy from atypia 0, atypia 1, atypia 2, atypia 3 and cancer. The result was atypia 0-260 (28.2 %), atypia 1-234 (25.4 %), atypia 2-256 (27.8 %), atypia 3-137 (14.9 %) and cancer-33 polyps (3.6 %).<BR>3) The highest incidence of site for malignant polyps was found in the order of descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, rectosigmoid, and transverse colon.<BR>4) Most of the malignant polyps were large in size, but 75 polyps (8.1 %) were less than 2 mm. in diameter.<BR>5) The polyps were equally distributed among the colon.<BR>Cass 2 is a sister of case 1. She was also founb to have colonic polyposis with sigmoid cancer. Only sigmoidectomy was carried out and 42 polyps surrounding a sigmoid cancer were removed. None of 42 polyps were cancerous, but 18 of them were of the atypia 2 type.<BR>The electron microscopic findings of a few of case 2 patient's polyps showed slight atypia such as gathering of chromatin, irregularly shaped nucleolus, and very few microvilli. There were relatively few Goblet Cells in the polyps. The findings of another one showed a more severe degree of malignacy such as almost no microvilli and slightly increased in number of endoplasma reticulum.
- 日本大腸肛門病学会の論文
日本大腸肛門病学会 | 論文
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