環日本海域における大気中微小粒子の化学質量収支 −冬季松江市における事例研究−
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A study on the long-range transport of atmospheric fine particles in the Circum-Pan-Japan-Sea area is very important for recent environmental protection policies. We developed a new model of source apportionment of fine particles and trace elements, based on the Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) method and tried to evaluate the quantitative contribution of transported particles to the SPM and elemental concentration at a receptor site. This model, named Source-Transformation CMB method, consists of transforming the source profile, Xij, of CMB method into atmospheric source aerosol profile, Zij. Results of this application to the data set of Matsue, Japan in winter indicated the possible influence of Korean urban aerosol and China desert soil dust on the air quality of Matsue.
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- 環日本海域における大気中微小粒子の化学質量収支 −冬季松江市における事例研究−