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Imperfect and perfect albino Japanese quail, originating from a commercial breeder in Toyohashi, were subjected to genetical analysis. The imperfect albinism is caused by a simple sex-linked recessive gene (sw) that appears to be homologous to the al gene assigned for albino mutants by LAUBER4) and SITTMANN et al.6)Growth of the imperfect albinos was not inferior to that of the wild-type when the albinos were raised in a box protected from sudden temperature decline. Bilateral eye defects (cheesy cataracts) are common in aged imperfect albinos, but this condition does not seem to affect reproductive performance.The perfect albino sire mated to imperfect albino dams resulted in only dark progeny indicating that perfect albinism is a genetically distinct character from imperfect albinism. The high mortality in the progeny of perfect albino is caused by certain lethal factor associated with the perfect albinism.Unusual retardation of growth was observed in female double mutants carrying Y1) and swgenes. After 2 weeks of age, identification of the genotype of such albino mutants was possible by examination of the pattern and intensity of the ghost barring character.
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