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For the objective to reveal the effect of delignifications on the high fibrous material, waterwashed and humin-deprived peat, as an original material, was treated with various delignifying agents such as lime, caustic alkali, sulfite or basic solvent.Treatments with sulfite or basic solvent eliminated more lignin than those with lime or caustic alkali, indicating the more lignin eliminated, the more cellulose contained and the less DM (dry matter) yielded in treated materials.In 72hr digestion trials on a fistulated cattle by rumen bag method, DM or cellulose digestibilities of treated materials showed highly significant inverse correlations to their lignin contents, while in 24hr in vitro incubations with rumen liquors, DM digestibilities and VFA formations gave similar correlations to the above mentioned ones. In the latter case, acetic and propionic acid were the greater part of VFA formed from incubated materials, and the more cellulose contained, the more acetic formed in the incubates.So far as our investigation is concerned, it was concluded that the improvement of the digestibility and availability of treated materials was influenced primarily with the degree of delignifications even if the same matial was treated with various delignifying agents.
- 社団法人 日本畜産学会の論文
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