尿素の毒性並びにその防除に関する研究 : IV. 糖蜜の中毒防止作用の機序
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1) In order to clarify the prevention mechanism of cane molasses feeding against urea toxication in goats, experiments were carried out on the influence of sucrose, occupying the greater part of molasses on dry matter basis, upon urea toxication and on the inhibitory effect of sucrose or molasses ash upon urease activities.2) Goats fed a toxic dose of urea with sucrose (equivalent amount of molasses) survived showing symptoms and results similar to those exhibited by animals which were fed molasses and urea and survived.3) In goats which were fed urea and either molasses or sucrose individually, preventive effect on urea toxication was observed when molasses or sucrose was administered into the rumen just after urea dosage, but no effect was given when molasses or sucrose was administered after the appearance of toxic symptoms.4) In surviving and dying animals, ammonia and urea contents of the blood underwent changes almost similar to those described in the previous reports.5) In the rumen was observed formation of ammonia from the urea administered. At the same time the molasses seemed to inhibit slightly urease activities there.6) The cleavage of urea by urease in vitro was affected little by the addition of sucrose and to some extent by the addition of molasses. Different chemical effects were shown by molasses, as well as the ashes of it, from different production areas.7)When urea was heated with molasses or sucrose at 70°C for one hour, any new compounds were not observed by spectrophotometric methods between 400-1000mμ.
- 社団法人 日本畜産学会の論文
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