2〜5種類の細菌を混合して定着させたgnotobioteマウスにおけるたん白質ならびに脂肪の消化および窒素蓄積について (Germfree,gnotobiotesおよびconventionalマウスにおける飼料の消化・吸収ならびに窒素蓄積に及ぼす消化管内微生物の影響-2,3-〔英文〕)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Five kinds of bacteria i.e. Bacteroides sp., Escherichia coli, Lactobacillus sp., Staphylococcus epidermidis and Streptococcus faecalis were administered (polycon-tamination: PC) in combinations in mixtures of two, three, four and five kinds for establishment in the intestinal tracts of 8-week-old germfree (GF) mice. The effects of these combinations of bacteria on digestion and absorption of nutrients in diet and nitrogen (N) retention were investigated by comparison before and after contamination in the same mice. The animals were both sexes of the ICR strain of GF mice reared in metabolism cage (5 mice per cage) for four weeks from 7 to 11 weeks of age. The results can be summarized as follows; 1) Body weight, food intake and fresh feces excretion increased slightly for all combinations of bacteria, but among the combinations of bacteria no significant difference were found. 2) Viable counts of fecal bacteria two weeks after PC were <103 of Staphylococcus when coexisted with the other four kinds of bacteria, but remained constant in all other cases. 3) The apparent digestibility of crude and true protein in general slightly decreased by PC, but in a few cases where Staphylococcus was present, there was a slight increase. 4) The apparent digestibility of crude fat generally slightly decreased by PC. 5) The tendency showed increasing N retention when Staphylococcus epidermidis was present and sufficiently established in the digestive tract of the PC mice, in most combinations.
- 社団法人 日本畜産学会の論文
- 遺伝子の導入と欠失による高血圧動物の研究 : つくば高血圧マウスおよびつくば低血圧マウスの作製と解析
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- ポリオ流行地で分離されるポリオウイルス
- 6.Germfree, Gnotobiotic及びConventionalマウスの発生熱量の産生に及ぼす消化管内微生物の影響(JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE AND VITAMINOLOGY Vol.23 No.3 : 掲載論文要旨)
- 5.Germfree, Gnotobiotic及びConventionalマウスの体成分の分布に及ぼす消化管内微生物の役割(JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE AND VITAMINOLOGY Vol.23 No.3 : 掲載論文要旨)
- Germfreeおよびconventionalマウスにおける消化管内容物の組成の比較〔英文〕
- 8.Germfree, Gnotobiotic及びConventionalマウスの体窒素について(JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE AND VITAMINOLOGY : 掲載論文要旨)
- 2例のイヌ肥満細胞腫瘍のSCIDマウスにおける増殖および転移
- ネコ腫瘍のSCIDマウスへの異種移植と高腫瘍形成性
- 犬腫瘍のSCIDマウスへの異種移植
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- 実験動物としての遺伝子操作動物
- Ethylurethane投与妊娠マウスの胎仔におよぼす環境温度変化の影響
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- LAS委員会活動概要--実験動物科学の今後の方向性 (今,実験動物学に何を求めるか)
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- 単一菌種を定着させたgnotobioteマウスにおけるたん白質ならびに脂肪の消化および窒素蓄積について (Germfree,gnotobiotesおよびconventionalマウスにおける飼料の消化・吸収ならびに窒素蓄積に及ぼす消化管内微生物の影響-2,3-〔英文〕)
- 2〜5種類の細菌を混合して定着させたgnotobioteマウスにおけるたん白質ならびに脂肪の消化および窒素蓄積について (Germfree,gnotobiotesおよびconventionalマウスにおける飼料の消化・吸収ならびに窒素蓄積に及ぼす消化管内微生物の影響-2,3-〔英文〕)