64DAS-MDCTを用いた下肢血管angiographyにおける撮影方法の考案:two point ROI method
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In CT angiography of the lower extremities, we have developed a 2-point ROI detection bolus-tracking method (2ROI-BTM) to provide the optimal contrast medium concentration and reduce contrast medium. The time to reach the ankle from the abdominal aorta was 22.5 s (95% central range, 14.6–40.1 s). The mean scan time was 13.6 s (range, 11.5–15.0 s). In the 2ROI-BTM (n=78), the mean CT number was 516 HU in the aorta, 427 HU in the popliteal artery, and 323 HU in the tibial artery. Compared with the TIM (n=66), the CT number was low in only 3% or less of cases, and the usual contrast medium dose of 20 ml for test injection could be reduced. With the 2ROI-BTM, the optimal scan timing can be determined more easily than with the TIM, allowing the contrast medium dose to be reduced by 26% and providing contrast enhancement with superior reproducibility of morphological characteristics for the generation of 3D images.
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- 64DAS-MDCTを用いた下肢血管angiographyにおける撮影方法の考案:two point ROI method
- 64DAS-MDCTを用いた下肢血管 angiography における撮影方法の考案 : two point ROI method