ヒラズハナアザミウマFrankliniella intonsa(Trybom)(アザミウマ目:アザミウマ科)によるトマト白ぶくれ症防除のための誘引植物としてのカリフォルニアポピーおよびペチュニアの評価
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A trap plant system using a mixed planting of California poppy and petunia to control the white swelling spot of tomato caused by flower thrips, Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom), was evaluated in an experimental field. In a field planted with tomatoes, we set a mixed culture plot of California poppy and petunia, and a control plot of tomato monoculture. As the number of California poppy flowers declined after mid-June but that of petunia increased from that time, the flowering time of the trap plant system continued during the outbreak season of thrips. When adult female thrips were most abundant from late June to early July, flowers of both trap plants attracted many thrips. In early July, the number of thrips occurring on tomato flowers, the number of oviposition puncture wounds on tomato fruit, and the percentage of fruits injured by white swelling spot in the mixed culture plot were significantly smaller than in the control plot. These results suggest that the trap plant system using the mixed planting of California poppy and petunia in tomato fields is promising as a useful strategy to control the white swelling spot.
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- ヒラズハナアザミウマFrankliniella intonsa(Trybom)(アザミウマ目:アザミウマ科)によるトマト白ぶくれ症防除のための誘引植物としてのカリフォルニアポピーおよびペチュニアの評価
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