流体包有物 : その基礎と最近の研究動向
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Crustal fluids are sometimes trapped in minerals during crystal growth or healing of microcracks. The fluids trapped and completely sealed in minerals are called “fluid inclusions”. A fluid inclusion is considered to be a small closed system after trapping, and the conditions of temperature, pressure and chemistry at fluid-trapping can be reproduced in fluid inclusions by various analytical systems. Microthermometry, chemical analyses and observation on occurrence of fluid inclusions are available for exploration of ore deposits, geothermal and petroleum resources, for studies on thermal histories of sedimentary rocks, for elucidation of origins, formation conditions and processes of igneous and metamorphic rocks, for analyses of paleo-stresses and paleo-climates, and consideration on astronomical events.
- 日本鉱物科学会の論文
- 2003-01-30
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