Theoretical Basis for Measuring Small Radon Diffusion Coefficients for a Radium-Bearing Porous Material Generated by Precipitation of Iron (III) Hydroxide
- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to remove a very small amount of a certain substance (such as radium) which is contained in a solution in a dissolved or suspended form, iron nitrate or iron chloride is often used to separate the substance as a precipitate. Such a precipitate consists of very small polycrystals of iron (III) hydroxide and is porous and contains much moisture. The polycrystals have very complicated forms and link with each other irregularly. In this precipitate, radon diffuses so slowly that measuring its diffusion coefficients is very difficult. However if the small amount of the substance in the solution is radium, it is possible to measure the radon diffusion coefficients by putting the precipitate in a can and measuring the amount of emanated radon in the can. The present paper established a theoretical basis for this measurement and applied it to a simulated ferrous uranium-bearing waste.
- 社団法人 日本原子力学会の論文
飯田 孝夫
Iida Takao
Dept. Of Energy Engineering And Science Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Radioactive Waste Management Funding and Research Center
GUNJI Yasuyoshi
Nuclear Fuel Industries, Ltd.
IIDA Takao
Nagoya University
Sasaki Tomozo
Radioactive Waste Management Funding And Res. Center
Gunji Yasuyoshi
Nuclear Fuel Industries Ltd.
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