贈り物に付与された価値とモノへの愛着 : —贈り主による認知の分析—
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The purpose of this study was to explore 1) the meanings included in gifts, 2) the anticipation on the part of the giver of how the gifts would be treated, and 3) the relationship between these two things. One hundred and eighty-nine undergraduates were asked to nominate an example of a gift in three different situations: a celebration gift of entrance to university, a birthday gift, and an offering at a funeral. In order to identify the meanings of the gifts, each gift was rated in terms of the quality, practical use, emotional value, and representation of both giver and recipient. Participants also rated the anticipation on the part of the giver of how the gifts would be treated. The results showed that the gifts and their meanings were different among the three situations. The study also clarified that the pattern of relationships between meanings of gifts and anticipation of the treatment of gifts were different among the situations. In addition, it was suggested that quality, practical use, emotional value, and recipients representation promoted their attachment to the gifts in at least one of the situations. Other results were also discussed from the context of gift giving situations.
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- 贈り物に付与された価値とモノへの愛着 : —贈り主による認知の分析—
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