ソバ,Fagopyrum esculentum moenchにおける連鎖地図の作成〔英文〕
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Seventy morphological mutant lines were established by full-sib matings in common buckwheat, Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. By performing allelism tests among mutant lines with a similar phentoype, the following 30 loci were identified; dwA, dwB, dwC, dwD, dwE, dwF, gsA, gsB, gsC, gsD, ps, psB, bw, cp, cu, ct, ir, min, nl, rc, sc, Vp, wl, ys, pg 6, py 8, py 12, py 22, py 23 and py 24. In addition to these loci, the self-incompatibility locus S, and seven isozyme loci, Dia-2, Got-2, Idh, Mdh-3, Pgm-2, 6-Pgdh-1 and Sdh-1 were also analyzed for their linkage relationships by conducting more than 100 pairwise crosses and subsequently analyzing F2 segregation data. Seven linkage groups were successfully assigned: I. S, dwE, Mdh-3 II. dwA, dwB, gsA, gsC, ct, cp III. dwC, dwF, psB, cu, ir, pg 6, py 8, py 12, py 22, py23, Got-2, Sdh-1 IV. dwD, wl V. ps, Vp VI, rc, bw VII, gsD, py 24, Dia-2, 6-Pgdh-1, Pgm-2. Based on the estimated map distances between the linked loci, a tentative linkage map was constructed.
大西 近江
Laboratory of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
大田 竜也
Laboratory of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
- ソバ,Fagopyrum esculentum moenchにおける連鎖地図の作成〔英文〕
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