ソバ,Fagopyrum esculentum Moench,の集団遺伝学的研究-6-世界各地の集団は同量の有害遺伝子を保有している〔英文〕
- 論文の詳細を見る
The amount of chlorophyll-deficient and other detrimental recessive mutants concealed in a cultivated buckwheat population was estimated for 17 populations from different parts of the world, by conducting more than 3000 sib crosses. The following types of abnormalities were found in cotyledons; albino 0.2%, yellow 3.4%, pale yellow 5.2%, pale green 7.5%, variegated 1.0%, morphological 3.5% and others 2.0% on the average. The frequency of each type did not vary so much among the populations and it coincided well with the frequency previously observed in the Japanese populations. Each type was also found in the foliage leaves at about 2/3 of the frequencies in cotyledons. No case of polymorphism of chlorophyll-deficient or other detrimental mutants has been found so far. These data confirmed the conclusions given by Ohnishi (1982); most of the detrimental mutants appear to be maintained in a population at very low frequency by mutation-selection balance; cases of balanced polymorphism are extremely rare, if they exist at all, in cultivated buckwheat populations.
- Genetics Society of Japanの論文
- ソバ,Fagopyrum esculentum moenchにおける連鎖地図の作成〔英文〕
- ソバ,Fagopyrum esculentum Moench,の集団遺伝学的研究-9-アロザイム変異の世界的規模での調査--その結論〔英文〕
- ソバ,Fagopyrum esculentum Moench,の集団遺伝学的研究-8-ヨ-ロッパ,シルクロ-ド集団におけるアロザイム変異〔英文〕
- ソバ,Fagopyrum esculentum Moench,の集団遺伝学的研究-2-日本の栽培集団における矮性遺伝子の頻度〔英文〕
- ソバ,Fagopyrum esculentum Moench,の集団遺伝的学研究-5-インドおよびネパ-ルヒマラヤにおけるアロザイム変異〔英文〕
- ソバ,Fagopyrum esculentum Moench,の集団遺伝学的研究-4-ネパ-ルおよびカシミ-ル集団におけるアロザイム変異〔英文〕
- ソバ,Fagopyrum esculentum Moench,の集団遺伝学的研究-7-日本,韓国および中国集団におけるアロザイム変異〔英文〕
- ソバ,Fagopyrum esculentum Moench,の集団遺伝学的研究-6-世界各地の集団は同量の有害遺伝子を保有している〔英文〕
- ソバ,Fagopyrum esculentum Moench,の集団遺伝学的研究-3-日本の栽培集団における不稔性遺伝子の頻度〔英文〕
- ソバFagopyrum esculentum Moenchの日本での栽培集団におけるクロロフィル異常その他の有害遺伝子頻度について〔英文〕