ソバ,Fagopyrum esculentum Moench,の集団遺伝学的研究-8-ヨ-ロッパ,シルクロ-ド集団におけるアロザイム変異〔英文〕
- 論文の詳細を見る
Allozyme variability at 19 loci affecting 12 enzymes was analyzed electrophoretically in 21 populations from Europe and six populations from the silk road. Most of the populations were polymorphic at seven loci, Dia-2, Got-2, Mdh-1, Mdh-3, Pgm-1, Pgm-2 and Sdh-1. As compared with Chinese populations, European populations have completely lost variability at Adh and 6-Pgdh-1. Populations from southern Europe have less variability than those from other parts of Europe. They have lost variability at Pgm-2 and have a greatly reduced frequency of the F allele at Mdh-1; occasionally, however, they show an increase in the frequency of the U allele at the Got-2 locus. Southern European populations show an increase in the det allele and in grey colored varieties. As a group, European populations show the smallest genetic distance with populations from the silk road and northern China. Combining these genetic findings with written documents and archeological evidence, I conclude that European buckwheat came from northern China via the silk road, and that it changed in many respects within the last 500 years.
- 日本遺伝学会の論文
- 1993-08-25
Ohnishi O
Kyoto Univ. Muko City Jpn
Ohnishi Ohmi
Laboratory Of Crop Evolution Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
大西 近江
Laboratory of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
- ソバ,Fagopyrum esculentum moenchにおける連鎖地図の作成〔英文〕
- Chromosome evolution among seven Fagopyrum species revealed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probed with rDNAs
- Development and Characterization of Microsatellite Markers for Common Buckwheat
- Multiple origins and high genetic diversity of cultivated radish inferred from polymorphism in chloroplast simple sequence repeats
- Original birthplace of cultivated common buckwheat inferred from genetic relationships among cultivated populations and natural populations of wild common buckwheat revealed by AFLP analysis
- Genetic diversity of cultivated and wild radish and phylogenetic relationships among Raphanus and Brassica species revealed by the analysis of trnK/matK sequence
- ハマダイコンにおけるアロザイム変異の野生集団内分布〔英文〕
- Construction of a BAC library for buckwheat genome research : An application to positional cloning of agriculturally valuable traits
- Close genetic relationship between cultivated and natural populations of common buckwheat in the Sanjiang area is not due to recent gene flow between them : An analysis using microsatellite markers
- ソバ,Fagopyrum esculentum Moench,の集団遺伝学的研究-9-アロザイム変異の世界的規模での調査--その結論〔英文〕
- ソバ,Fagopyrum esculentum Moench,の集団遺伝学的研究-8-ヨ-ロッパ,シルクロ-ド集団におけるアロザイム変異〔英文〕
- ソバ,Fagopyrum esculentum Moench,の集団遺伝学的研究-2-日本の栽培集団における矮性遺伝子の頻度〔英文〕
- ソバ,Fagopyrum esculentum Moench,の集団遺伝的学研究-5-インドおよびネパ-ルヒマラヤにおけるアロザイム変異〔英文〕
- ソバ,Fagopyrum esculentum Moench,の集団遺伝学的研究-4-ネパ-ルおよびカシミ-ル集団におけるアロザイム変異〔英文〕
- Phylogenetic analysis of AGAMOUS sequences reveals the origin of the diploid and tetraploid forms of self-pollinating wild buckwheat, Fagopyrum homotropicum Ohnishi
- ソバ,Fagopyrum esculentum Moench,の集団遺伝学的研究-7-日本,韓国および中国集団におけるアロザイム変異〔英文〕
- ソバ,Fagopyrum esculentum Moench,の集団遺伝学的研究-6-世界各地の集団は同量の有害遺伝子を保有している〔英文〕
- ソバ,Fagopyrum esculentum Moench,の集団遺伝学的研究-3-日本の栽培集団における不稔性遺伝子の頻度〔英文〕
- ソバFagopyrum esculentum Moenchの日本での栽培集団におけるクロロフィル異常その他の有害遺伝子頻度について〔英文〕