Kinetics of biological phosphorus behavior in sequential batch reactor under anaerobic/aerobic condition.
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A kinetics study of biological phosphorus release/uptake in biomass under anaerobic/aerobic (A/O) condition was made in a laboratory sequential batch reactor (SBR) system. The ratios of P/BOD and TN/BOD of influent feed solution for increasing the intracellular phosphorus must be greater than about 0.01 and 0.13 in this system. Phosphorus uptake was correlated to the uptake of K<SUP>+</SUP> and Mg<SUP>2+</SUP> as ΔK/ΔP = 0.28, ΔMg/ΔP = 0.36 by molar ratios.<BR>The rate of phosphorus release for endogeneous respiration of the biomass under anaerobic condition can be described by using a Monod-type equation with respect to phosphorus content in the biomass, and the values of the rate constant, <I>K<SUB>rp</SUB></I>, and the saturation constant, <I>K<SUB>kp</SUB></I>, are 1.1 × 10<SUP>–3</SUP> h<SUP>–1</SUP> and 1.4 × 10<SUP>–3</SUP> kg/kg respectively. The rate of luxurious phosphorus uptake at the aerobic stage can be expressed by a first-order kinetic equation based on Px<SUB>m</SUB>–Px with the rate constant, <I>K<SUB>u</SUB></I>, is 0.017 h<SUP>–1</SUP>.
- The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japanの論文
Suzuki Motoyuki
Institute Of Industrial Science University Of Tokyo
Yoon Cho-Hee
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
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