- 論文の詳細を見る
This research is aimed at establishing effective design methods for reinforced concrete structures, with Particular focus on bridge piers. The reason behind this is because they are most susceptible to the external force due to earthquakes as compared with other reinforced concrete structures and because damage to a bridge pier is a grave concern as it often results in the collapse of the bridge. Throughout this research, an "effective design method for reinforced concrete bridges" has been pursued by trying to invent design methods which enhance ultimate resistance. To be exact, by analyzing the relation between ultimate resistance and the layout of main reinforcing bars and hoops, which clamp the former, this research suggests the most effective layout of reinforcing bars which embraces ultimate resistance. In the first phase, the effects of main reinforcing bars and hoops on ultimate resistance was analyzed by changing the concrete strength (compressive) and reinforcing bar strength (yielding point). The analysis simulated the relation between layout of reinforcing bars and ultimate resistance by changing layouts of main reinforcing bars and hoops in a simulator. The analysis proved that it would be more effective in enhancing earthquake resistance to increase hoops rather than main reinforcing bars. This result is entirely different from the results of conventional design methods, and will offer an invaluable view when establishing future effective design methods.
- 広島工業大学の論文
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