- 論文の詳細を見る
A practical method is presented for the small displacement dynamic of bottom-fastened flexible offshore structures subjected to wave forces, which yields satisfactory results with a relatively small computational effort. In this study, the structures considered are circular cylindrical piles fixed firmly in the sea-bed. Taking waves-structures interaction into account, the equations of motion for the structures are formulated based upon the finite element concept. Harmonic wave forces on the tublar elements are assumed to follow the description of Morison, Johnson, O'Brien and Shaaf and furthermore to distribute in a state of a broken line between the joints of each element. On this assumption the complicatedly distributed wave forces are replaced by the equivalent joint forces using energy principles. A step-by-step solution technique is used to solve the non-lineare equations of motion. The results are compared with the approximate solutions introduced by Harleman, Nolan and Honsinger, who neglected the elastic behavior of structures. Consequently it is confirmed that the approximate method may provide considerably small displacements in comparison with the step-by-step solution which offers more precise responses.
- 広島工業大学の論文
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