専門教育の「レリバンス」の再検討 : 都立高校専門学科および普通学科の生徒に対する質問紙調査の分析から
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What should we teach in education? This question has been one of the central concerns in places of education and social scientific study in education. The "relevance" can be utilized as a key concept when one tries to reveal the answer to that question. The purpose of this paper is to reconsider the assumptions about the "relevance," not in a normative but in an empirical way. For this purpose, I examine the relation between the vocational education and the political attitudes, which have not been examined in prior studies, through an analysis of the data from a questionnaire survey to high school students in vocational courses and general courses in the Tokyo Metropolitan area. / The analysis shows the following three points. First, compared with the general school students, more students in the vocational courses tend to have orientation toward political independence. Second, comparing subjects in vocational courses, studying the special subject hard doesn't reflect students ' orientation toward political independence, but it could mediate studying the social studies hard and their orientation toward political independence. Finally, the relation between the vocational education and the students' orientation toward occupational independence is not found. / These findings are contrary to our conventional expectations. In conclusion, we should reconsider thoroughly our common assumptions about the "relevance".
- 2013-03-10
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