Expression and Postmortem Proteolysis of Cytoskeletal Protein Talin in Chicken Meat
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The cytoskeletal protein talin acts as an essential link between integrins and the actin cytoskeleton in costameres. Some studies have reported that talin may contribute to the water-holding capacity of aged meat. Talin has two isoforms, talin1 (T1) and talin2 (T2), but their respective biological roles are not fully understood. Furthermore, the specific roles of T1 and T2 in determining meat quality are unclear. In this study, we analyzed the expression of T1 and T2 in the pectoralis major, biceps femoris, gizzard, and heart in chickens. Additionally, we examined the postmortem changes in talin in the biceps femoris. Expression of T1 mRNA was significantly higher while that of T2 was significantly lower in the gizzard than in the pectoralis major (P < 0.01). Expression of T1 in the gizzard was also signifi cantly higher than in the biceps femoris and heart (P < 0.01). In western blotting using 8d4, anti-talin2 or TA205 antibody, only anti-talin2 could detect talin in the pectoralis major and biceps femoris. Microscopy also showed that talin labeled by anti-talin2, but not 8d4 was located around muscle fibers in the biceps femoris. Furthermore, intact talin band labeled by anti-talin2 within chicken biceps femoris muscle was rapidly diminished during postmortem storage. Our findings propose that the degradation of T2, but not T1, in chicken skeletal muscle may influence the quality of chicken meat.細胞骨格タンパク質talinは,integrinとactin細胞骨格との間の重要な架橋として働いている.ある研究では,熟成した肉の保水性に関与すると報告されている.しかし,talinには2つのアイソフォーム,talin1(T1)およびtalin2(T2)があり,それぞれの生物学的役割は十分には理解されていない.また,T1とT2の肉質における特異的な役割も明確にはなっていない.本研究において,我々は,ニワトリの胸肉,腿肉,砂のう筋および心筋におけるT1とT2の発現量を調べた.また,腿肉におけるtalinの死後変化も調べた.T1のmRNA発現量は,砂のう筋で高く,胸肉で低かった(P < 0.01)が,T2の発現量は砂のう筋で低く胸肉で高かった(P < 0.01).また,砂のう筋におけるT1は腿肉や心筋よりも高かった(P < 0.01).8d4,anti-talin2または TA205抗体を用いてウエスタンブロットを行った結果,anti-talin2だけが骨格筋におけるtalinを検出することができた.また,免疫組織染色法においても,8d4ではなくanti-talin2が腿肉の筋繊維の周囲にtalinが局在することを示した.さらに,anti-talin2によってラベルされた腿肉のtalinは死後の貯蔵の間,早期に消失した.これらの結果から,ニワトリ骨格筋における(T1ではなく)T2の死後分解は,鶏肉の肉質に影響する可能性があると考えられた.
- 2011-03-00
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- Expression and Postmortem Proteolysis of Cytoskeletal Protein Talin in Chicken Meat