- 論文の詳細を見る
A simple method for estimating daily amount of snowmelt has been proposed by Kawashima et al. (2002), with the objective of application to railway disaster prevention during snowmelt season. This method, called the advanced degree-day method in this study, was developed by modifying the existing degree-day method to suit day-to-day estimation of snowmelt. The advanced degree-day method allows an estimate of the first date when continuous snowmelt occurs as well as the daily snowmelt by using air temperature data alone. However, the truth of the matter is that the accuracy validation of the proposed method is not performed still enough. In this study, aiming at the accuracy validation of the method, the comparison was made between the daily amount of snowmelt obtained during two snowmelt seasons in 2007 and 2008 at Shiodani observation site and that estimated by using the advanced degree-day method. Consequently, it was found that the advanced degree-day method was capable of estimating the daily amount of snowmelt with an accuracy of approximately ±10mm. In addition, the estimated first date when continuous snowmelt occurs was in good agreement with the observation.
- 新潟大学災害復興科学センターの論文
- 2008-12-00
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