Contact-induced Language Change and Grammaticalization:A Case Study in Papua New Guinea
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Heine & Kuteva introduce areal contact-induced grammaticalization for many types of language contact. Grammaticalization is a process that changes word use from lexical meanings to grammatical function words, and from the original grammatical functions to various other grammatical forms. Heine & Kuteva have expanded the grammaticalization theory from single language-internal to languages in areal contact. This contact-induced grammaticalization can explain several types of language changes (Sprachbund,metatypy, creole) due to contacts, such as gap filling, coexistence, equivalence,replication, and so on. This study attempts to limit this theory through data gathered by fieldwork examining highly complicated language contacts in Madang City, Papua New Guinea. In Madang, nearly 500 languages are spoken,resulting in very complex language contacts. This study concludes that in Madang language contacts alone are insufficient to explain the contactinduced grammaticalization observed.
- 麗澤大学経済学会の論文
- 2010-00-00
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