- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of this paper is to propose the framework for modeling the processes generating Class Differences in Educational Attainment(CEDA). Reffering to previous empirical studies on CEDA and drawing upon the several theoretical clarifications of generaring CDEA, we composed a framework of modeling the CDEA processes focusing on two aspects of CDEA, process and pathway. To treat the CDEA as the process not only the result make it possible to compare the strength of class effects among different transitions. We focused on two pothways through which the class differences make effect on educational attainment processes. The idea of pathway is derived from Boudon's IEO model, which come up with two mechanism. Primary effects are those tha give rise to an association between social origins and children's academic ability. Secondary effects come into play to account for educational choices conditional on differences in academic performance. Reconstruction of the class effects are attempted and we abstract three factors, resources, value orientations, and status. Resources contain both economical and cultural. Value orientations of the parents concerning educational attainment affect how they use their resources and status. Social, economical, and cultural status work as the references of educational choice. Findings of previous studies are re-illustrated using the framework andthe reconstructed notions of calss effects.1.はじめに 2.教育達成過程における個人の行為選択と階層差の作用 3.CDEA発生過程をとらえる基本枠組 4.階層差の作用に関する先行研究の整理 5.階層差の作用を再構成する一つの試み 6.残された課題
- 2011-03-25
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- 片瀬 一男[著], 『夢の行方-高校生の教育・職業アスピレーションの変容-』, A5判, 324頁, 本体2,000円, 東北大学出版会, 2005年10月刊
- 2.多項トランジッション・モデルによる教育達成過程の分析 : 脱トラッキング的な階層効果への着目(I-5部会 社会構造と教育,研究発表I,日本教育社会学会第58回大会)
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