Endothelial cell-selective adhesion molecule modulates atherosclerosis through plaque angiogenesis and monocyte-endothelial interaction
Quertermous Thomas
Division Of Cardiovascular Medicine Stanford University School Of Medicine
Toh Ryuji
Division Of Cardiovascular Medicine Department Of Internal Medicine Kobe University Graduate School
Ishida Tatsuro
Division Of Cardiovascular Medicine Kobe University Graduate School Of Medicine
Inoue Michihiko
Division Of Cardiovascular Medicine Department Of Internal Medicine Kobe University Graduate School
Rikitake Yoshiyuki
Division Of Molecular And Cellular Biology Department Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Kobe Uni
Taira Kazuki
Department Of Cardiology Kobe University
Yasuda Tomoyuki
Division Of Cardiovascular Medicine Kobe University Graduate School Of Medicine
Ishida Tatsuro
Division Of Cardiovascular Medicine Department Of Internal Medicine Kobe University Graduate School
Ishida Tatsuro
Division Of Cardiovascular Medicine Department Of Internal Medicine Kobe University Graduate School
Ishida Tatsuro
Division Of Cardiovascular Medicine Department Of Internal Medicine Kobe University Graduate School
- Cell adhesion molecules nectins and associating proteins: Implications for physiology and pathology
- OJ-251 Requirement of Small G Protein Rap1 and Rap1-binding Protein Afadin in Endothelial Cells for the Regulation of Angiogenesis(OJ42,Peripheral Circulation/Vascular Disease (Pathophysiology, Basic) (H),Oral Presentation (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scien
- Endothelial Lipase Gene Polymorphism is Associated With Acute Myocardial Infarction, Independently of High-Density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol Levels
- Beneficial Effects of Exogenous Tetrahydrobiopterin on Left Ventricular Remodeling After Myocardial Infarction in Rats : The Possible Role of Oxidative Stress Caused by Uncoupled Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase
- OE-233 Augmentation of Vascular Remodeling by Uncoupled eNOS in a Mouse Model of Diabetes Mellitus(Atherosclerosis, basic-2, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PE-289 Angiographical Analysis of Small Pulmonary Arteries in Pulmonary Hypertension by Synchrotron Radiation Microangiography(Pulmonary circulation-3 (H) PE49,Poster Session (English),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circula
- OE-205 Mouse Cardiac Cross-bridge Function Assessed in Vivo by An X-ray Diffraction : Effects of Adrenergic Beta-stimulation(Cardiac function, basic/clinical-1 (M) OE35,Oral Presentation (English),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japa
- OE-009 The Possible Role of Oxidative Stress Caused by Uncoupled eNOS in Left Ventricular Remodeling after Myocardial Infarction in Rats(Chronic coronary heart disease/Remodeling-1 (IHD) OE2,Oral Presentation (English),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientif
- Angiotensin II Type1 Receptor Blocker, Telmisartan Suppresses Superoxide Production and Atherosclerotic Lesion Formation in Apolipoprotein E-deficient Mice(Atherosclerosis, Basic 8 (IHD), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Soci
- Increased GTP-cyclohydrolase I Expression but not Vitamin C Reversed the Accelerated Atherosclerotic Lesion Formation in Apolipoprotein E-deficient Mice Overexpressing eNOS(Endothelium/NO2 (H), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulatio
- PE-045 Overexpression of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Accelerates Vascular Remodeling in ApoE-deficient Mice(Endothelium/NO 1 (H) : PE8)(Poster Session (English))
- OJ-191 GTPCH I Overexpression Decreases Atherosclerotic Lesion Formation in Apolipoprotein E-Deficient/eNOS Transgenic Mice(Atherosclerosis, Basic 2 (IHD) : OJ22)(Oral Presentation (Japanese))
- Xenogenic Smooth Muscle Cell Immunization as a Vaccine Reduces Neointimal Formation in Balloon-Injured Rabbit Carotid Arteries
- Xenogenic Macrophage Immunization as a Vaccine Reduces Atherosclerosis in Apolipoprotein E Knockout Mice
- PJ-092 Regulation of in vitro Angiogenesis by Rap1-Afadin Pathway(Endothelium(03)(IHD),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Sequential activation of Rap1 and Rac1 small G proteins by PDGF locally at leading edges of NIH3T3 cells
- Rho/Rho Kinase pathway is involved in the regulation of NF-κB by TNF-α in cardiac myocytes
- Cardiac myocytes are recruited by bone marrow-derived cells in the intact murine heart
- Plasma Tetrahydrobiopterin/Dihydrobiopterin Ratio : A Possible Marker of Endothelial Dysfunction
- Overexpression of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Attenuates Cardiac Hypertrophy Induced by Chronic Isoproterenol Infusion
- Role of Endothelial Lipase in Plasma HDL levels in a Murine Model of Hypertriglyceridemia
- PE-028 Improved Metabolic Syndrome and Atherosclerosis by Oral Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) Treatment in LDLR-deficient Mice(PE005,Metabolic Syndrome 1 (H),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- OE-358 Inactivation of Endothelial Lipase Increases "Good Cholesterol"(OE61,Lipid Disorders (H),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- OE-249 Beneficial Effect of Anti-platelet Therapy on Atherosclerotic Lesion Formation Assessed by Phase Contrast X Ray CT Imaging(OE42,CT/MRI (Coronary/Vascular) 2 (I),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulat
- PJ-343 High Glucose Stimulation Reduced Endothelial Cell-Selective Adhesion Molecule (ESAM) Expression : A Potential Role in Albuminuria in Diabetic Microangiopathy(Kidney/Renal circulation(06)(H),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meetin
- OE-163 Atherosclerotic Plaque Imaging using Phase-Contrast X-ray Computed Tomography : Seeking for Clinical Application(CT/DSA(01)(I),Oral Presentation(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PE-320 Atherosclerotic Plaque Imaging by Interferometric Phase-Contrast X-ray Computed Tomography(CT/DSA-07, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- OE-168 Inhibition of Myocardin Deteriorates Cardiac Function under Beta-Adrenergic Stimulation(Molecular biology, myocardium (M),Oral Presentation(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Endothelial Lipase is Increased by Inflammation and Promotes LDL Uptake in Macrophages
- Targeted Inactivation of Endothelial Lipase Reduced Atherosclerosis in Apolipoprotein-E Deficient Mice(Atherosclerosis, Basic 2 (IHD), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- OJ-064 Identification of non-secreted endothelial cell-derived lipase (EDL) isoforms in human endothelial cells(Lipid Disorders 1 (H) : OJ8)(Oral Presentation (Japanese))
- Targeted Disruption and Overexpression of Endothelial Cell-Derived Lipase Modulates Plasma HDL and LDL Cholesterol Levels
- Expression of G2A, a Receptor for Lysophosphatidylcholine, by Macrophages in Murine, Rabbit and Human Atherosclerotic Plaques
- In Vivo Angiographic Detection of Vascular Lesions in Apolipoprotein E-Knockout Mice Using a Synchrotron Radiation Microangiography System
- PE-219 Endothelial Lipase is a Key Molecule of Postprandial Hypertriglycemia in Mice(Metabolism/Biochemistry/Energetics(02)(M),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PE-155 RAGE Deficiency Inhibit the Atherosclerosis Progression in non diabetic Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor Knockout Mice(Atherosclerosis, basic(04)(IHD),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- OE-319 Nectin-2 is Required to Prevent Cardiac Fibrosis and Dysfunction in Response to Chronic Pressure Overload(Molecular biology, myocardium-1, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- OE-327 Why can myoblast transplantation combined with cardiotrophin-1-gene transfection alleviate the transition to heart failure in Dahl rats?(Gene Therapy 2 (IHD) : OE41)(Oral Presentation (English))
- Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3β is Involved in the Process of Myocardial Hypertrophy Stimulated by Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1
- Transplantation of Cardiotrophin-1-Expressing Myoblasts to Myocardium Prevents the Transition from Compensatory Hypertrophy to Congestive Heart Failure in Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rats
- Ral GDP Dissociation Stimulator (Ral-GDS) and Ral GTPase Are Involved in Cardiac Hypertrophy
- LIF Regulates 4E-BP1 Phosphorylation via PI 3-kinase-Akt Pathway In Myocardial Cells
- Cardiac Myocytes are Recruited by Bone Marrow-Derived Cells in Intact Murine Heart
- P194 Serotonin-mediated regulation of 5-HT2A receptor mRNA via activation of protein kinase C in vascular smooth muscle cells
- Oxidative lipoprotein and lysophosphatidylcholine upregulate cNOS mRNA expression in bovine aortic endothelial cells
- FRS-112 Pressure-overload Induced Hypertrophied Hearts Displayed Regional Differences in Cross-bridge Dynamics : Evidence from X-Ray Diffraction Study Using Synchrotron Radiation(New Concepts for Assessing Cardiac Function(M),Featured Research Session,The
- PE-457 Endothelial Lipase is Increased by Inflammation and Promotes LDL Uptake in Macrophages(Infection/Inflammation/Immunity-2, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- OE-069 Myocardin Inhibits Beta-Adrenergic Agonist-Induced Cardiac Myocyte Apoptosis by Enhancing Bcl-2 Expression(Cell death, apoptosis/necrosis (M) OE12,Oral Presentation (English),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulatio
- OE-108 Pioglitazone, a peroxisome proriferator-activated receptor-γ agonist, preserved contractile function in Dahl salt-sensitive hypertensive rats(Heart Failure, Basic 1 (M) : OE13)(Oral Presentation (English))
- OE-207 Endothelial lipase selectively regulates HDL metabolism in rabbits(Lipid disorders(01)(H),Oral Presentation(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- OE-175 Role of Endothelial Cell-selective Adhesion Molecule (ESAM) in Tumor Angiogenesis and Metastasis(Molecular biology, vascular(01)(IHD),Oral Presentation(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- -P605- Coronary Artery Wall Characteristics of Spastic Sites in Patients With Vasospastic Angina Assessed by Intravascular Ultrasound - Comparison Between Acetylcholine- and Serotonin- induced Coronary Spasm(PROCEEDINGS OF THE 59th ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETI
- -0432- Relationshiop Between Morphology of Coronary Artery and Serum Cholesterol Value in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease Assessed by Intravascular Ultrasound.(PROCEEDINGS OF THE 59th ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF THE JAPANESE CIRCULATION SOCIETY)
- Angiographic Analysis of Spastic Sites Where Serotonin and Acetylcholine Provoked Coronary Vasospasms
- Oxidized LDL and Unsaturated Fatty Acids Inhibit Receptor-Mediated Ca^ Mobilization in Cultured Endothelial Cells
- Critical Role of Tyrosine Kinase PYK2 in eNOS Activation Revealed by Analysis of PYK2 Knockout Mice(Endothelium/NO 5 (H), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- OJ-417 Tyrosine Kinase PYK2 activates eNOS and subsequently regulates Vascular Tonus and Angiogenesis, revealed by its Knock-out Mice(Endothelium/NO 5 (H) : OJ51)(Oral Presentation (Japanese))
- eNOS Activation and Its Vascular Functions Critically Requires the Presence of Tyrosine Kinase PYK2
- PE-087 Plasma pteridine level as a biomarker of cardiovascular diseases(Endothelium(02)(IHD),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- OE-189 Oral Anti-CD3 Antibody Treatment Induces CD4+LAP+ Regulatory T Cells and Ameliorates the Development of Atherosclerosis in Mice(Atherosclerosis, basic(01)(IHD),Oral Presentation(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulatio
- OE-201 An X-ray Diffraction Study on Mouse Cardiac Cross-Bridge Dynamics in vivo : Effects of Changing Heart Rate(Cardiac function, basic/clinical-1, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- FRS-104 Plasma Biopterin Levels as a Biomarker of Endothelial Dysfunction(Biomarker of Cardiovascular Disease, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- FRS-090 Myofilament Disarray in a Heart of Murine Dilated Cardiomyopathy Model : Evidence from X-Ray Diffraction Study Using Synchrotron Radiation(Heart Failure, Cardiac Remodeling and Cardiomyopathy 2, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese C
- Role of Endothelial Cell-Derived Lipase in Monocyte Adhesion to Endothelial Cells
- Update on the Role of Endothelial Lipase in High-Density Lipoprotein Metabolism, Reverse Cholesterol Transport, and Atherosclerosis
- PJ-666 EL Overexpression in the Vessel Wall doesn't Affect Atherosclerotic Lesion Formation in ApoE-KO mice(Molecular biology, vascular-4, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- OE-113 Over-expression of Endothelial Lipase in the Liver Exacerbated Hepatic Steatosis in a Mouse Model of Metabolic Syndrome(Diabetes/Obesity/Metabolic syndrome-01, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- FRS-042 Targeted Inactivation of Endothelial Cell-selective Adhesion Molecule Inhibits Susceptibility to Atherosclerosis in Apoprotein-E-deficient Mice(Vascular Biology in Endothelial Cells (basic), The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circu
- 3 The Role of Endothelial Lipase in HDL Metabolism and Atherosclerosis : A New Therapeutic Target for Raising HDL-Cholesterol(Hypoalphalipoproteinemia, Its Pathogenesis and Treatments, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society
- PJ-241 A Sandwich Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay for Human Endothelial Lipase Concentration(Lipid disorders-3 (H) PJ41,Poster Session (Japanese),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- OE-076 Endothelial Lipase-Deficient Mice are Protected Against Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Cardiac Inflammation and Left Ventricular Dysfunction(Infection/Inflammation/Immunity-1 (H) OE13,Oral Presentation (English),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific M
- OE-058 Endothelial Lipase is Responsible for the Low Selrum HDL Level in the Chemically Induced Murine Model of Hyperlipidemia(Lipid disorders-1 (H) OE10,Oral Presentation (English),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulatio
- Endothelial Lipase Overexpression Accelerates Lesion Formation in Mouse Model of Vascular Remodeling (Molecular Biology, Vascular 2 (H), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Targeted Disruption of Endothelial Lipase Reduced Susceptibility to Mortality in Endotoxin Shock(Infection/Inflammation/Immunity 2 (H), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Impact of Cytochrome P450 2C19^*2 Polymorphism on Intra-Stent Thrombus After Drug Eluting Stent Implantation in Japanese Patients Receiving Clopidogrel
- Endothelial cell-selective adhesion molecule modulates atherosclerosis through plaque angiogenesis and monocyte-endothelial interaction
- Identification of Biomarkers of Stent Restenosis With Serum Metabolomic Profiling Using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
- Effect of Cytochrome P450 2C19 Polymorphism on Target Lesion Outcome After Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation in Japanese Patients Receiving Clopidogrel