Kinetics of cerebral blood flow in the moderate and heavy exercise intensity domains estimated using the transcranial Doppler method
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the kinetics of cerebral blood flow (CBF) in conjunctionwith cardiopulmonary response during constant-work rate cycling exercise of moderate and heavy intensities.Methods: Seven subjects (6 males and 1 female; age, 25.4 ± 7.7 yr; height, 171.9 ± 4.3 cm; body mass, 67.7 ±11.4 kg) participated in the present study. The subjects completed incremental cycle ergometer test to assessVO2peak, the gas exchange threshold (GET), and the respiratory compensation threshold (RCT). Secondary, thesubjects performed two sets of constant workload of exercise bouts (10 min) by cycle ergometer correspondingto the level of 10% below GET (moderate intensity) and RCT (heavy intensity). Respiratory gas analysis and themiddle cerebral blood flow mean velocity (MCA Vmean) were measured simultaneously using the transcranialDoppler (TCD) method. PaCO2 was estimated (ePaCO2) using PETCO2 and VT. We assumed that MCA Vmeancould be used as an index of the global CBF. Results: VO2 and ePaCO2 remained stable after the onset atmoderate intensity whereas VO2 increased throughout the trail and ePaCO2 decreased after the onset at heavyintensity. The percentage change from baseline for MCA Vmean (ΔMCA Vmean) increased within 2 min to a peakvalue within 2 min by 32.8 ± 9.1% and 31.8 ± 11.8% at moderate and heavy intensity, respectively. In theheavy-intensity exercise ΔMCA Vmean decreased further below the response to moderate exercise as timeprogressed prior to the recovery phase (trials × time: F = 3.84, P < 0.05). Conclusion: The different kineticsof MCA Vmean between moderate and heavy-intensity exercise was identified during a constant work rate cyclingexercise. We found that in heavy-intensity trials, the relationship between ePaCO2 and MCA Vmean was differentto that at moderate intensity during the recovery phase.
- 法政大学スポーツ健康学部の論文
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- Kinetics of cerebral blood flow in the moderate and heavy exercise intensity domains estimated using the transcranial Doppler method
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