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林業労働において,一般求職者の応募が増加傾向にあり,森林組合作業班員の雇用は一般労働市場における位置づけという側面から捉えていく必要がある。そこで,本報告では,兵庫県但馬地域内の7森林組合作業班員を対象に,現在の就労状態及び彼らが林業を職業としてどのように捉えているのかを明らかにすることを目的とした。具体的には,回答者の属性,回答者への森林組合の待遇,そして,回答者の森林組合の仕事に対する認識の3つの視点から把握した。結果,回答者は殆どが既婚者で家族と同居しており,新卒は少なく,殆どが1回以上の職業経験を経た転職者で,家族とのつながりが強く,地元就職志向が非常に強い事が示唆された。また,林業の自然を相手に出来る点が求職者を引き付け,危険な部分が求職者から敬遠される点であることがわかった。また,賃金の高低が林業の就職理由と離職理由の上位に位置しており,他の職業選択と同様,林業の職業選択や就労継続,仕事上の関心事として賃金が大きな影響を与えていることが示唆された。Many job-seekers in the general labor market have started to work in forestry and so we need to consider forestry from the viewpoint of the general labor market. The objective of this paper is to reveal the current occupational conditions of forestry workers and how they evaluate their own jobs. The survey was undertaken with Working Group Members of the 7 Forest Cooperatives in the Tajima Region, Hyogo Pref. The questions were structured to examine the following three areas, the characteristics of the respondents, their job conditions and their views of the job. It was found that the respondents were already married, lived with their family and they had a strong bond. Furthermore, they had experience of more than one job and wanted to find work in their own area. Also, it was found that working in a natural environment attracted people but the risk involved in the job alienated them. Finally, the wage level was ranked as a high reason to both start and leave employment. The wage level will greatly influence the choice of job and the view of the job, as it does in other areas of employment.
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