Human endogenous retrovirus K14C drove genomic diversification of the Y chromosome during primate evolution
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The male-specific region of Y chromosome (MSY) has accumulated a higher density of human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) and related sequences when compared with other regions of the human genome. Here, we focused on one HERV family, HERV-K14C that seemed to integrate preferentially into the Y chromosome in humans. To identify every copies of HERV-K14C in the human genome, we applied computational screening to map precisely the locus of individual HERV-K14C copies. Interestingly, 29 of all 146 copies were located in Y chromosome, and these 29 copies were mostly dispersed in the palindromic region. Three distinct HERV-K14C-related transcripts were found and were exclusively expressed in human testis tissue. Based on our phylogenetic analysis of the solitary LTRs derived from HERV-K14C on the Y chromosome we suggested that these sequences were generated as pairs of identical sequences. Specifically, analysis of HERV-K14C-related sequences in the palindromic region demonstrated that the Y chromosomal amplicons existed in our common ancestors and the duplicated pairs arose after divergence of great apes approximately 8-10 million years ago. Taken together, our observation suggested that HERV-K14C-related sequences contributed to genomic diversification of Y chromosome during speciation of great ape lineage. © 2010 The Japan Society of Human Genetics All rights reserved.
高 栄哲
Sin Ho-su
Department Of Integrative Cancer Therapy And Urology Kanazawa University Graduate School Of Medical
Eitetsu Kou
Department Of Integrative Cancer Therapy And Urology Kanazawa University Graduate School Of Medical
Koh Eitetsu
Department Of Integrated Cancer Therapy And Urology Kanazawa University Graduate School
Koh Eitetsu
Department Of Integrated Cancer Therapy And Urology Andrology Unit Kanazawa University Graduate Scho
Kitamura Eiko
Life Science Advanced Research Institute For The Sciences And Humanities Nihon University
Kim Dae-soo
National Primate Research Center (nprc)
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