差分顔面皮膚放射温度を用いた運転ストレス評価の試み : 単調運転ストレス負荷による基礎的検討
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Prolonged monotonous driving may lower a driverʼs awareness level as well as increasing theirstress level due to the compulsion to maintain safe driving, which may result in an increased risk of a trafficaccident. There is therefore an opportunity for technological assessment of driver physiological status to beapplied in-car, hopefully reducing the incidence of potentially dangerous situations. As part of our long-term aimto develop such a system, we describe here the investigation of differential skin temperature measurement as apossible marker of a driverʼs stress level. In this study, after giving informed consent 25 healthy male (n= 18) &female (n= 7) subjects (26.8 ± 8.0 S.D. yrs) were investigated under environment-controlled conditions, whilstbeing subjected to simulated monotonous travel at constant speed on a test-course. We acquired physiologicalvariables, including facialskin temperature which consists of truncaland peripheralskin temperatures (Ts)using thermography, beat-by-beat blood pressure (BP), cardiac output (CO), totalperipheralresistance (TPR),and normalized pulse volume (NPV) used as an indicator of localperipheralvascul ar tone. We then investigatedthe driverʼs reactivity in terms of skin temperatures with this background of cardiovascular haemodynamics. Wefound that the simulated monotonous driving produced a gradualdrop in peripheralT s following the drivingstress, which, through interpretation of the TPR and NPV recordings, could be explained by peripheralsympathetic activation. On the other hand, the truncalT s was not influenced by the stress. These findings lead usto suggest that truncal-peripheraldifferentialT s could be used as a possible index indicative of the driverʼs stress.In fact, a significant correlation was confirmed between stress reference of BP and differential skin temperatures..
- 日本生体医工学会 JSMBE = Japan Society for Medical and Biological Engineeringの論文
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