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地方都市における地域在住高齢者の介護予防に関連する要因を,性差と主観的健康感の観点から検討した.自治会に加入する65歳以上の高齢者1602人を対象に行なった質問紙調査は,回答者698人(回収率43.6%),分析対象者634人(有効回答率39.6%)であった.男性の後期高齢者でうつ傾向,女性の後期高齢者で低い主観的健康感,社会活動の低下,運動機能の低下,閉じこもり傾向が認められた.また,男性,女性ともに低い主観的健康感が運動機能の低下と社会活動の低下に関連していた.介護予防プログラムを検討する上で,性差や個別ニーズに合わせた運動機能強化プログラムを含む多様な社会活動の場と機会の充実が不可欠であると考えられた.This study examined the various factors influencing public health efforts in preventing life-style related illnesses and minimizing care needs among the elderly living in local cities from the perspectives of gender difference and self-rated health. A questionnaire survey was distributed to a total of 1602 elderly aged 65 and above who are members of the same community association. Of them, 698(43.8%) took part and results of 634 (39.6%) respondents were eligible for study analysis. Depression among the old-old males, and low self-rated health, decreased engagement in social activities, decreased motor function and tendency to keep indoors among the old-old females were reported. Among both male and female respondents, low self-rated health was associated with decreased motor function and decreased engagement in social activities. The study results suggest that in planning programmes to prevent life-style related illnesses and minimize care needs among the elderly, it is necessary to provide places and opportunities for social activities, including programmes to enhance motor functions, which take into account gender differences and individual needs.
- 高齢者の介護予防に影響を及ぼす要因-性差と主観的健康感の観点から-
- 看護学生が臨地実習において教員および看護師に求める資質と能力
- 看護学生が臨地実習において教員および看護師に求める資質と能力
- 高齢者の介護予防に影響を及ぼす要因-性差と主観的健康感の観点から-