ショパン作曲《Etudes op.25》の原典版楽譜の研究 -№1、№2の原資料に基づいて-
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This year (2010) falls on the 200th anniversary of the birth of Chopin (Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin, 1810-1849). A lot of birthday concerts are organized focusing on the works of Chopin in all parts of the world. The International Congress Chopin has been held in the memorial year. The 3rd International Congress Chopin was held in this February. Furthermore, the 16th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition will be held in this October. The "National Edition" is recommended in this Competition as well as the 15th. It was published as one of the national projects of Poland in 1960. From this time, the edition of music has become a matter of concern increasingly. It has been also recognized gradually that the circumstance of the publication of Chopin's works is complicated and that it is difficult to deal with "the variants". Now they appreciate the value of the original texts that reproduce music faithfully of which Chopin himself participated in the revisions. Multiple original texts of Chopin's works are published; Henle Urtext Edition, Wiener Urtext Edition, and National Edition. Many players rely and use a revised edition of Paderewski since it is close to the original text. Although the original texts are overwhelmingly trusted in these days, it is necessary to elucidate from the original materials how multiple texts differ among publishers and the bases that they interpreted. In this study, we focus on the Etudes op.25 No.1 and No.2, and compare original source materials with each original text how differently they revised it on their own interpretation. Furthermore, we examine musical notes in detail and will discuss a way of performance of the works that Chopin intended from an acoustic viewpoint sentences of lower rating of empathy, but for the unpleasant sentences, there was no difference between the two type of sentences (high and low rating of empathy). These results were interpreted as showing that the empathy to emotion was one of the determinants for the effectiveness of emotion on incidental memory.
- 2010-11-30
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