- 論文の詳細を見る
In the case of horizontally curved bridge having short span and large radius of curvature, the torsional moments on main girder are small. Therefore, the thin-walled curved beams with open cross sections have been used for structual members of horizontally curved bridges for their rationality and lower cost on the faburication. The problems of the mechanical properties and behaviors of thin-walled curved beams have been studied in consideration of geometrical and material nonlinearities by many researchers. Previously, we discussed the three dimensional stability problems of steel arches with closed cross sections. In the present report the authors intend to expand this analytical method for studying the mechanical properties of the thin-walled curved beams with open cross sections. In order to confirm the convergencies and accuracies of the approximate solutions, the results of numerical analysis are compared with the existing experimental and theoretical ones.
- 長崎大学工学部,Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki Universityの論文
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