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The purpose of the present study was to clarify the characteristics of professors who were liked or disliked by undergraduates. A total of 563 undergraduates were requested to write down the characteristics of an imaginary professor (including an associate professor or a lecturer) they liked. They were also required to write down the characteristics of a imaginary professor they disliked. For a professor who was liked there were frequently positive statements about the person's lectures (interesting and comprehensive) , personality-traits (gentle and friendly) and appearance. In contrast, for a professor who was disliked there were often negative statements about the person's lectures (not interesting and incomprehensive) , personality-traits (frequently angry, ironic, and conceited) and speech (too loud or too soft), The results indicate that the quality of lectures and the personality of a professor determine whether the person is liked or disliked.
- 奈良教育大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センターの論文
奈良教育大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター | 論文
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