- 論文の詳細を見る
Meiji Jogakko (Meiji Girl's School), founded by Toko and Kumaji Kimura in Tokyo in 1885, was the first Christian jogakko founded by the Japanese.After the untimely death of Toko Kimura, Yoshiharu Iwamoto, as principal/vice-principal, succeeded in its administration and continued to provide girls with education, education which was groundbreaking at that time.The school was closed in 1909due to financial difficulties and a scandal concerning Iwamoto himself. Yet it is not too much to say that the school, in its 24years of history, created an era of its own, playing a vital role in illuminating various aspects of the society. Aside from producing distinguished alumnae in every walk of life,the school is known to have exerted meaningful influence through its journals titled Jogakuzasshi (Journal of Girl's School)and Bungakukai (Literary World).The novelist Yaeko Nogami(1885-1985)was the last graduate of Meiji Jogakko:she entered its regular course in 1900and graduated from its advanced course in 1906.Her last and unfinished novel Mori (Forest),which was published serially on the magazine Shincho (New Tide) from 1967 to 1985, is based on her 3 years at Meiji Jogakko. In that sense it is possible to say that it is an autobiography which she chose to write in the form of fiction.This paper will at first take an overview of the history of the school and identify Nogami's motivation in writing about her school days 70years after her graduation.Then ultimately it will examine the influence of Meiji Jogakko on Nogami and her representation of her school days in Mori.
- 2008-01-01
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