- 論文の詳細を見る
1. Statistical and clinical observations were made on patients with urolithiasis seen at the Department of Urology, Shizuoka Red Cross Hospital during the seven year period between 1972 and 1978. 2. The total number of out-patients was 9,080, of which 603 patients (6.6%) had urinary calculi. Of the 603 patients with urolithiasis, 356 patients (59.9%) had ureteral stones, 178 patients (29.5%) renal calculi, 48 patients (8.0%) both renal and ureteral stones, 17 patients (2.8%) vesical calculi and 4 patients (0.7%) urethral stones. 3. The ratio of males to females in these stone-patients was about 2.43: 1. 4. The maximum incidence of stone formation in male was found in the 40 to 49 years age group, that in female was found in the 30 to 39 years age group. 5. The incidence of out-patients with urolithiasis was maximum in August and September and minimum in February throughout year. 6. Complication of urinary infection was detected in 23.6% of these stone-patients at first visit. 7. Of the 212 stones which were spontaneously passed, 136 stones were small in size (not larger than 0.5 cm in longer diameter), 69 stones middle (not larger than 1.0cm in longer diameter), and 7 stones large (larger than 1.0 cm in longer diameter). 8. The 144 operations were done on the patients who were admitted to our hospital during this investigative period. 9. Of 144 stones obtained from above operations were revealed, 73.6% calcium oxalate or calcium oxalate phosphate, 19.4% magnesium ammonium phosphate, 4.9% uric acid and 2.1% cystine.
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