- 論文の詳細を見る
Statistical analysis was performed on tumors of the urinary bladder seen at the Department of Urology of Shizuoka Red Cross Hospital during seven and a quarter years from September of 1971 to December of 1978. 1) Number of patients with urinary bladder tumor was 62 during seven and a quarter year period, which was calculated as 0.66% of all the out patients. Of these cases, 43 were male and 19 were female, the male to female ratio being 2.26. The age distribution ranged from 23 to 84 and the majority of patients was in the seventh decade. The total of over 50 year-old age groups occupied 90.3%. 2) 48.4 per cent of all the tumors were solitary and 51.6 per cent were multiple. 3.2 per cent of all tumors were "tiny" (rice-grain sized) and 46.8 per cent were "small" (under thumb's head sized) and 25.8 per cent were "medium" (under walnut sized) and 24.2 per c.ent were "large" (more than walnut size). 32.3 per cent of all tumors were papillary and pedunculated, 40.3 per cent were papillary and sessile, 27.4 per cent were non-papillary and non-pedunculated. 54.8 per cent of all tumors were located on the lateral wall and 25.8 per cent on the posterior wall. 3) Histological patterns of the tumors consisted of 57 cases of transitional cell carcinoma, one case of squam.ous cell carcinoma. According to Broders' classification, distribution of 57 cases of transitional cell carcinoma showed 9 grade I, 30 grade II, 15 grade III and 3 grade IV. According to Jewett-Marshall classification, 18 cases of all the tumors were stage O. A., IS cases were stage B1, 13 cases were stage B2, 3 cases were stage C, 8 cases were stage D. Five-year survival rates of patients treated with TUR-BT, segmental cystectomy and simple total cystectomy were alculated. 1. Twenty-five cases with TUR-BT(average life span: 60.6 years) Observed survival rate: 86.4% Relative survival rate : 104.6% 2. Twelve cases with segmental cystectomy(average life span 72.8 years) Observed survival rate : 45.1% Relative survival rate: 69.9% 3. Seventeen cases with simple total systetomy (average life span 70 years) Observed survival rate : 51.9% Relative survival rate : 68.4% 4. Fifty-eight cases of bladder tumors (average life span: 66.4 years) Observed survival rate : 59.3% Relative survival rate: 77.4% Five year survival rate of patients with low stages (O.A. B1), with high stages (B2, C, D), with low grades (I. II), with high grades (III. IV) were also calculated. 1. Thirty-three with low stage (average life span 64.5 years) Observed survival rate : 83.2% Relative rate: 108.3% 2. Twenty-five cases with high stage (average life span 69 years) Observed survival rate : 24.6% Relative survival rate : 32.2% 3. Thirty-nine cases with low grade (average life span 65.2 years) Observed survival rate : 75.5% Relative survival rate: 97.9% 4. Eighteen cases with high grade (average life span 69.3 years) Observed survival rate : 24.7% Relative survival rate: 32.2%.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
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