- 論文の詳細を見る
This study has focused on validity test of the newly developed attitude scale for predicting health behaviors for Japanese. Factors aeffecting health behaviors were studied based on the Weiner's attribution model which has three central causal dimensions of perceived control in relation to health. The perceived causes of health and illness share three common properties: locus, stability, and controllability. Accordingly the original scale developed consisted of eight sub scales which include 16 items of internal-external, controllable-uncontrollable, stable-unstable. To investigate factorial construct validity of the scale a questionnaire, which includes locus of control and 16 items of new scale, was administered to 374 university students aged 20 and above. Among factors derived from locus of control and the new scale, locus of control was correlated with internal control of the new scale, and negatively correlated with external control of the new scale. It was found to be associated with Breslow's health practices score. These results suggest that the new scale had factorial construct validity and reliability.
- 琉球医学会,Ryukyu Medical Associationの論文
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