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Although renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the most common type of malignant renal tumor in adults, it is rare in childhood. We report on a 15-year-old girl with advanced renal cell carcinoma. Chief complaints were abdominal pain, gross hematuria and a right abdominal palpable mass. Diagnostic images (CT, MRI, angiography) revealed a right renal tumor and enlargement of paraortic lymph nodes. These findings suggested RCC, but the possibility of Wilms'tumor could not be ruled out due to the low incidence of RCC in childhood. Therefore, we also planned an adjuvant therapy (chemotherapy and radiation therapy) for Wilms'tumor before operation. During operation, a right huge renal tumor with paraortic lymph node enlargement was observed, and right nephrectomy and lymphadenectomy were performed. Pathological diagnosis was RCC, alveolar type, granular cell subtype, G1, pT 3, PV0, pN2, PM0. The patient is being treated by intramuscular administration with interferon-alpha, and is now free of tumor over 6 months afrer the operation.
- 琉球医学会,Ryukyu Medical Associationの論文
- 14. EDの診断,治療(A.研究課題の概要,泌尿器科学分野,医学科,附属病院)
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